Are your children insisting you to throw a Halloween party and you dont have any idea on how to arrange it? I guarantee you that your party will going to be the best of all. Check out the Halloween partying tips from this article. On Halloween, when all the spooks in spook Dom are on the loose, it is good to gather close at home and invite your friends in to meet the friendly spooks at your house. To the children at our house a family Halloween party ranks first.
They love to invite their friends and their friends' parents. For us parents there is no grander way to get acquainted with the families of our children's friends. Let us tell you about our last Halloween party.
A week or so before the big night we sent out the invitations in the form of big black cats. The family joined in cutting them out. On the big bushy tails we printed in white ink: This is the tail of the Halloween cat, Hurry, he says, to meet spook and bat On Halloween night, about seven or so At a house that you know, yet may not know. At 805 Blunt Street Come in costume and BRING YOUR SHIVERS! Each invitation included every member of the family and was addressed to the entire family. The front door was fastened with a chain which permitted the spook host to open the door only far enough to flash a light in the arriving guest's face for the "once over" before admitting him. Without a word he pointed to the floor.
Two sets of white cardboard footprints led the way to the several bedrooms where wraps were to be deposited. The male contingent followed the large footprints; the women and children the smaller ones. While the guests were gathering much time was spent in admiring each other's costumes and examining the house which was decorated for the occasion. All the floor and table lamps wore Halloween shades.
Black and orange cut-out witches, bats and cats were everywhere on the walls. Black cats and horrible skulls and crossbones leered from every mirror. Black and orange crepe-paper chains were strung across the tops of windows, doorways, and across the ceiling in the dining room from the center chandelier to the four corners of the room. With the dimmed light the effect was weird and highly decorative. As soon as all the guests arrived each was given a large spool and one end of a string. These strings had been arranged so that they crossed each other and wound here and there about the room beneath carpets, around chair rungs and behind pictures.
All led to one large black cardboard spider hanging in the center of the room. At a given signal everyone began winding. The winner was the one who reached the spider first with all his string wound on his spool he was then given the spider as a prize. Incidentally, this game is a very good "ice breaker." Each one's undignified scramble for his string removed all diffidence and everyone was ready for a good time.
Now you know how to decorate your house and turn it into scary and dreary place to frightened all of your guest in Halloween night.
Mitch Johnson is a regular writer for , ,